All about Styrofoam Ceiling Tiles

All about Styrofoam Ceiling Tiles

Ceiling tiles are those elements by which we can add the finishing for the ceiling. There are many advantages for this kind of ceiling tiles which makes this different from others. The structure of these tiles which is in cellular model is found to be absorbing and possess all the properties which makes this more superior than the paint that is coated on this. The usage of the polystyrene ceiling tiles that can be used in the home and the office consist of many advantages when compared with that of the traditional tiles. The ceiling tiles are available in many forms, patterns and designs. Attaching these styrofoam ceiling tiles provide a new look for the project that seems to be already existing


  • A popcorn ceiling which does have a tedious look can be avoided by covering the ceiling with the Styrofoam tiles.
  • This kind of tiles serves as a second insulation in between the false ceiling and the roof.
  • The maintenance cost of these tiles is less when compared with that of the other.
  • This helps to make the installation process easier. This can be easier to install in a drop ceiling and even in the ceiling surface that already exists.
  • Fibre ceiling tiles are not recommended for the installation of the ceiling that covers the fire containment system. In such situations Styrofoam tiles seem to be more useful and safe. In some of the offices and the buildings the fire sprinkler system is used so as to hide the sprinkler system for the outside view. When the sprinkler system gets activated then the styrene tiles starts melting thereby allowing the sprinkler system to work in its system. If we are using the traditional fibre ceiling then this tries to absorb the water and thereby reduce the effectiveness of the fire.
  • The polystyrene tiles are found to be very easy in the maintenance. This kind of tiles are easy to wash and do not get stained under such conditions. In case of the polystyrene tiles these are easier to remove and only the damaged one needs to be replaced.
  • Since the Styrofoam tiles are made with the polystyrenes these are found to be very light weight and are also moisture proof.
  • The insulation capacity of these tiles are in such a manner that this will be the perfect one when compared with that of the other traditional one. Like described earlier these tiles not only provide the noise insulation but this also makes available thermal insulation. By this way the room temperature is maintained thereby maintaining a cooling effect in the room. This is one of the functional benefits that the tile provides.
  • Apart from all these benefits this tiles are available in many styles and designs that suit the décor of the room. Also the purchase of the tiles is easier through the stores or by any online methods. Styrofoam ceiling tiles are found to be cheap and are usually used for the office buildings that are with the modular walls.


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